Red sandstone, part of runestone.
Ornamentation without runes.
A rolled end of a body part such as a tail,
nape, or the end of a shackle.
The fragment was found on the edge of the
field south of the road near Bona farm. Remaining pieces can
be found nearby, perhaps in walls or house foundations.
Storage today in the magazine in Tumba by RAÄ
with no: SHM 30572

Older information
Transcript from RAÄ inventory book ca.
The runestone fragment was found in a
field about 5 m. NE of the field edge. The rune stone
fragment is now kept at Bona farm, where it lies immediately
next to the man building and S of the veranda on its western
(Today in a magazine in Tumba)
Description: Runestone fragment, reddish sandstone. The
fragment is 38.5 cm long, approx. 21 cm wide and approx. 3
cm thick.
The stone was originally thicker. On the carving side, which
is slightly worn, is the end part of a runic loop.
Kalle is thinking...!
The small part of the ornamentation on 12b
that is preserved on the fragment is unusually well carved.
It must have been carried out by someone with both good
sense and great experience.
Rune stone 12a, which is still missing, was
depicted on drawing in the 17th century and there you can
see that it is the same runecarver who carved U 86 in
Skylsta, Järfälla. That carving remains on the original slab
and can be used for comparison.
Rune stones 12a and 12b could be one and the
same rune stone because it is not clear what type of
stone/slab U 12a is, it just says "... in a burnt slab..."
It could be a sandstone slab that is meant and that would
also explain why it was in such poor condition when the
drawing was made in the 17th century...
But "burnt slab" doesn't sound quite right to
me if it were one and the same runic carving. The
ornamentation on U 86 and U 12a also does not show the same
free surface around the coiled body as on the fragment.
I could certainly be wrong, but for me there
is still hope that we are dealing with two runic carvings
and that we will soon find the one that is missing :-)
Fornsök > Info in Swedish and map
Runor > Riksantikvarieämbetet
map > Find the spot for U 12b
If you want to be of help or have a question.
has 5
known runestones
has fragments from 9 known
has 3 or
4 known runestones
has 11 known runestones
has 27 known runestones
has 8 known runestones