Runic inscription
..gutr, they ... _ ... . atu : and
: u ...
The fragment is the lower part of the
runestone and has been placed at the top of the largest
burial mound in the large burial field, the burial mound
known as Bjorn Ironside grave. The fragment has been there
since the 17th century.

Photo 2011 with lake
Mälaren and Färingsö in the background.
The original location was probably by a road
between the harbor below the burial ground and the farm so
that as many people as possible could see it.
According to stories, the stone has
previously been used as a stove top and it has also been
split up (broken into pieces) and used as building material
for a chimney on the farm. In other words, it is mostly luck
that we have this little piece left.
About the name Husby
Husby or Husaby are names of farms connected
to royal power. Our Husby, where there is a mighty burial
ground from the Viking age with over 150 graves, is no
Husby måste ha haft en stark koppling till
Hovgården på Adelsö och Birka på Björkö men vi vet inte hur
exakt den kopplingen såg ut eller hur den fungerade, bara att den fanns.
Husby must have had a strong connection to
Hovgården on Adelsö and Birka on Björkö, but we do not know
how exactly that connection was or how it worked, only that
it existed.

To the west of the large burial ground in
Husby, on the other side of the farmland, there are
additional burial grounds that also belong to Husby's area.
On May 8, 2019
The runestone is taken care of
The runestone has long since been sunken,
tilted and damaged. On this day the stone conservator
Stocklassa and my friend Roger Wikell came to the rescue of
the rune stone and I was invited to help.

The runestone was lifted out of its hole,
straightened and repaired. A small piece of the runestone
that had previously fallen off was put back in its place.

Around the runestone were sacrificial
objects. These were moved during the work but were put back
as soon as we were done.

Roger - Stocklassa - Runestone - me, Kalle
Upplands runinskrifter > page
(Good information but only in Swedish)
Runor > Riksantikvarieämbetet
Björn Järnsidas grav > Reportage 2020-01-08 pdf
(only in Swedish)
Google map >
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