The runic inscription
Tyd (Interpret the runes)
Germund got Gerlög (to wife) in her
maidenhood. Then they got a son, before he (Germund)
drowned. And then the son died.
Then she got Gudrik. He … this... then they
got children. And one maid lived; she was called Inga.
Ragnfast of Snottsta got her (to wife). Then he died, and
thereafter the son. And the mother (Inga) came to inherit
from her son.
Then she got Erik. Then she died. Then Gerög
came to inherit from Inga, her daughter.
Torbjörn Skald (the poet) carved the runes.
raþu - - -
- -
kaiRmuntr -ik · kaiRlauk · maytumi
þa · finku · þau sun
· aþ han · truknaþi · in sun to :
siþan :
þa + fik hu- --þrik
· ha- … þinsa · þa · finku þau barn … in maR ain lifþi · hun
hit ' …g[a] ' ha… fik raknfastr · i · snutastaþum ·
þa uarþ han tauþr ·
auk · sun · siþan · in · moþir kuam + at sunar ' arfi '
þa ' fik hun ' airik
' þar ' uarþ hun tauþ ' þar kuam ' gaiRlauk at arfi ' inku
tutur sinar
þurbiurn ' skalt ' risti runar
About the runic inscription
The rune slab's ornamentation basically
consists of two dragons.
In the left dragon's eye, the rune carver Torbjörn skald has
carved the word "raþu" (rathu) which means "take control,
master (the inscription).
The head of the right dragon has been lost
but in that eye the continuation of the word was probably
"runar" (the runes) or "sakuni" (the one who can). Together
the words of the eyes form: "Raþu runes" which means (do you
counsel the runes, decipher the runes).

On runestone U 11 in
Hovgården on Adelsö, the runic inscription begins with the
same meaning: "raþu runar".
The words can be seen as a well wish for you as a reader so
that you can understand the meaning and message of the
Unique runic inscription
But it's not just Gerlög's rune slab U 29
that makes the story unique. Her daughter Inga's runestones
in Snåttsta and Vreta also belong to Gerlög's amazing but
sad story.

Snottsta, a beautiful day in January
Beryl Kornhill, who made the performance Gerlögs Runa on
Adelsö in 1995, visits Snåttsta and Inga's runestones with
me and Roger Wikell as guide.
On Inga's runestones in Snåttsta:
Runestone U 329:
Inga had these
stones erected for Ragnfast, her husband. He was the brother
of Gyrid and Estrid.
Runestone U 330:
Inga had the stones raised and
the bridge made after Ragnfast, her husband. Assur was his
Runestone U 331:
Inga had the runes carved after Ragnfast, her husband. He
alone owned this village after Sigfast, his father. God help
their spirits.
Runestone U 332:
Inga raised pole and stones for
Ragnfast, her husband. She inherited from her child.
On Inga's runestones, a concern that the
inheritance may come into question can be read. The entire
Snåttsta farm had changed hands in just a few years, and
Ragnfast's sisters Gyrid and Estrid, who had grown up there,
now had to watch as Ragnfast's widow Inga ruled and cared
for their childhood farm.
Inga's runestones are heritage documents
carved in the hardest granite. One of these is also carved
directly on the rock slab so it can neither be moved nor
knocked over. Inga also chose the skilled and very careful
runecarver Fot for the job.
The ornamentation
Gerlög's rune slab has an unusually beautiful
and well-planned ornamentation that is unlike anything
Thorbjörn created before. It is most likely that someone
else and more skilled artist has created the artwork while
Thorbjörn created the inscription and carried out the work.
This rune slab not only has Uppland's longest
runic inscription, but also gives us a unique insight into
Viking age society together with Inga's runestones in
Snåttsta. These are almost 1,000-year-old historical
documents that I believe should be protected for all time by
becoming a World Heritage Site.
The rune slab is feeling bad today.

In all intents and purposes, but without
professional help, the rune slab has ended up in a pit
surrounded by applied soil masses to form a lawn.

Vegetation such as flowers planted for
decorative purposes retain moisture on the slab, which in
turn risks being blasted by frost when winter comes.
A helping hand
The rune slab is on a private plot of land, but it cannot
possibly be an obstacle for Ekerö municipality or the
responsible authority to give a helping hand and offer the
owner both professional knowledge and finances to be able to
save save this unique work of art for future generations.
During Viking age, when Färingsö was divided
into three blocks due to a five meter higher water level,
Hilleshög was located at the northern entrance and could
control boats and ships traveling through the strait.
At the same time, another road went overland
through Hilleshög's properties via Vifärna, Kvarsta and
Lisselby to the important Ting (court) which was looked
after by the man on Lisselby farm, which in turn was part of

On the Ting (court), a mighty runestone (U
38) carved by Balle after "Gerlög's man" (his name has
been lost) is erected. Next to it is another runestone, this
time carved by Thorbjörn (U
37) and which better shows how his ornamentation is
designed, simpler and with a strange dragon's head.
U 37 at the Ting
is carved before Gerlög's rune slab U 29.
Upplands runinskrifter >
About the rune slab U 29 page:
(Only Swedish)
Upplands runinskrifter >
About Ingas runestones U 329-332 page:
(Only Swedish)
Runor About U 29 >
Runor About U 329 >
Runor About U 330 >
Runor About U 331 >
Runor About U 332 >
Google map > Find U 29
Google map > Find Ingas
farm in Snåttsta
Wikipedia > Inga by Svartsjölandet
Gerlögs Runa >
Beryl Kornhill's performance at Adelsö in 1995
Tidningen Mitti > Reportage 2023
(Only Swedish)
Gerlögs berättelse – fakta och fiktion >
Kulturarv Stockholm
(Only Swedish)
Kalle Runristares Galleri >
1995 Gerlögs Runa
Knivstas Historia >
Storry aboute Estrid and Inga.
(Only Swedish)
If you want to be of help or have a question.
has 5
known runestones
has fragments from 9 known
has 3 or
4 known runestones
has 11 known runestones
has 27 known runestones
has 8 known runestones